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The Microm Difference

Here at Microm Learning, we believe that understanding one's personality is important in determining their preferred learning style.

Research has shown that in regards to learning, a "one size fits all" approach proves ineffective. Everyone learns in their own unique way, an inconvenient truth that schools, as well as the majority of tutoring services, seem to ignore.

In school, students are graded based on their understanding of the subject matter, gained through lectures and textbook reading.

For many, however, this type of learning proves ineffective, often leading to excess frustration and stress
while trying to understand the course material.
This can result in lower marks on exams and assignments. In the end, a student's self-esteem can be greatly damaged by feeling as tough they are "not smart enough" to keep up with the course work.

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This, however, couldn't be further from the truth!

Poor grades are NOT due to a lack of intelligence, but rather,
a lack of understanding on the school's part.
The teaching methods used by schools can be severely limiting. Students who learn best through experience, or by
"doing things", often struggle with long, unengaging lectures or boring paperwork. Others may be overly anxious when taking tests, often leading to mistakes being made. As a result, test scores are lower than they would have been, had the student been more calm and relaxed.

Our staff have developed an in-depth understanding of the North American education system, having spent over 1000 hours  teaching and attending elementary, secondary,
and post secondary schools across the continent.  

Personalized Learning

It's why at Microm, we develop a highly customized, Personal Learning Program (PLP) for each and every student. We place great emphasis on one-on-one instruction, making sure every student gets the attention they need
to do their best. 
We help our students get their work done today, as well as tomorrow. We teach our them universal learning strategies for studying, reading, writing, and test-taking, just to name a few. We help our students become better learners as they delve into more advanced subjects in the years ahead.

As part of the Program, you can choose to hold classes over Zoom, in person at our Learning Centre,
or a combination of both.

Is physical distance a problem? Join our online class.  
Can't meet us on-site for your class? Just let us know beforehand, and we can conduct the lesson over Zoom instead.
The Zoom video platform allows us to accept students outside of the Greater Toronto Area, the province, or even the country.
We can provide high-quality education,
no matter where in the world you are!

Online Learning

We specialize in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics

  • The Sciences - Chemistry, Biology, and Physics

  • English

  • Accounting

  • French/French Immersion

  • Personalized Study Strategies

All students, from kindergarten to university/college, are accepted.

Microm Learning

It all starts with the initial interview!

Don't worry - it's nothing formal.
To determine the most effective tutoring strategies for you, we simply need some input. What works well for you?
What doesn't? During the free, 1 hour interview, you can tell us all about it. With that information, we'll create your Personalized Learning Plan, and sessions can then be scheduled.

The interview itself is customizable as well. It can be held online, or in-person, and we are available to meet with you on most days of the week.


Give us a call, send us an email, or simply click the phone to send us a direct message from our site. We will reply to you within 24 hours. Hope to see you soon!

Contact Microm
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